Our Mission

The mission of our school community is to develop knowledgeable, inquiring and caring young people who become confident lifelong learners.

Graduating students

Expectations & Values

    Bow High School 21st Century Expectations for Student Learning
    • Students will embrace responsibility for their education by challenging themselves to take risks.

    • Students will effectively analyze and synthesize information from diverse sources.

    • Students will be confident and effective communicators through written, verbal, digital and creative expression.

    • Students will exhibit mastery application of problem solving and critical thinking skills.

    • Students will demonstrate collaborative and adaptive capabilities.

    • Students will show evidence of personal, social, civic and global responsibility.

    Core Values Statements
    1. We believe that our students will be curious, independent learners who embrace academic challenges and think in a creative and critical manner.We believe that our students will be effective and proficient communicators.
    2. We believe that interdisciplinary coursework strengthens the depth of student knowledge.3
    3. We believe that promoting student empowerment fosters collaborative leadership and decision-making.
    4. We believe heterogeneity enhances the academic, social and cultural experience and fosters tolerance and a diversity of ideas, perspectives and opportunities.
    5. We believe that learning through experience helps us to gain respect for others and ourselves.
    6. We believe that well-rounded students participate in co-curricular activities, including arts, athletics, and community service, in order to develop a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
    7. We believe that we are all citizens in a global community and are committed to social responsibility.
    8. We believe that maintaining active community partnerships enriches and benefits students, the school, and our community.
    9. We believe that accepting challenges through risk taking prepares students to face the demands of the 21st century.