
Sam Dixon & Allan Sheehy - Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays Sept-Nov & Jan-April 3-5:30PM - Learning Commons Esports is a competitive video game team that plays against other schools up and down the east coast.  We will soon be designated an official NHIAA athletic team.  We play the following games based on player interest and signups during a spring and a winter season: League of Legends, Splatoon 3, Super Smash Brothers, Overwatch 2, Mario Kart 8, and Rocket League.  We compete in several state tournaments over the course of the year.   

Concord Crew

www.concordcrew.org or contact us at info@concordcrew.org “AS ONE”, Concord Crew is a local non-profit youth rowing club for 8 th – 12 th graders from Concord, Bow and 10 surrounding towns. CC is focused on learning the sport of rowing, building relationships with each other and working efficiently together as a team to power 62 ft long boats. 98% of the youth start with no experience, and can start spring or fall seasons or in our Summer Learn to Row program on the Merrimack River. 

Ping Pong

Mike Laughlin - Tuesdays & Fridays during FLEX - Mini Gym Students are able to come together to hone their table tennis skills. The club offers a space for beginners to learn how to play, and for advanced players to partake in competitive game play.  

Weight Lifting

Sean Doherty - Mondays, Tuesdays, & Thursdays 3-4PM - Weight Room During the fall and winter months, the weight room will be open every Monday, Thursday, and Friday from 3-4pm. The weight room is open for anyone who is not an in-season athlete and is looking to get some exercise in after school! You can stay for as long or as little as you wish depending on what works for your schedule. All abilities and experience levels are welcome! I am in the weight room to help you with whatever you need: whether that be advice on your lifting form or ideas for exercises to do. Make sure you bring appropriate clothing and footwear. 

Dance Team

Sophia Tucker - Monday, Tuesday, Thurdsay 3 - 4:30 - Mini Gym