ASL Club

Alex Ricci & Rita Hunt - Tuesdays 7:45-8:15AM - 2306 We will be learning American Sign Language communication skills. Using a practical approach we will gain vocabulary, expressive language and receptive language skills. This includes knowledge of the culture within the Deaf Community, as it plays a major role in communication. 

French Club

Colony Barrett - 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of each Month during FLEX - 2311 We spend our meetings doing French crafts, cooking & playing French games. Anyone is welcome to join!

Spanish Club

Heather Rosenbleeth - 2309 The Spanish club provides great opportunities for students to explore the culture of the Spanish speaking world and participate in international community service.  We meet every other Monday at 7:50 AM starting October 17 and would love to have you join our group.

Societas Latinitatis Rami Gymnasii (Latin Club)

Michael McKilen - Odd Tuesdays 7:30-8AM - 2304 Our mission is to encourage academic and artistic excellence in the Classics and to foster a passionate, knowledgeable, and quirky Latin community at Bow High School. We do things like create a yearly club magazine (Nihil Sub Sole Novum) for arts, commentary and news related to Latin and Classics, make food from ancient recipes and feast in the manner of the Greeks and Romans, have trivia contests (certamina), and watch bad old movies based on Greco-Roman myths and make fun of them. Join us!