Emergency Information Forms

An Emergency Information Form must be completed each school year. The form provides essential contact information for your student in case of an emergency and it also gives the school nurse permission to administer over-the-counter (OTC) medications such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and several others as listed on the form. Students are NOT permitted to carry and self-administer over the counter medications. Please be sure to notify the school nurse for any changes that occur during the school year.  You can download a copy of the Yearly Emergency Form and return it to the school nurse. 

Emergency Action Plans for School: If your student has life threatening allergies, asthma, diabetes, and/or seizure disorder, you can use the following forms to have your child's health care provider fill out each school year if they do not have a standard document to use.  This form (or something similar) will be required each school year.  It is important that if your doctor will be using their own printed treatment plan, that the instructions are clear, it contains accurate and complete contact information, and it contains both the physician's and parent's signatures.  If your child is doing activities outside of the normal school day, please be sure your child carries their rescue/emergency medication with them and that you communicate with the advisor. Check expiration dates on Epi-Pens, inhalers, insulin, and seizure medications. They deteriorate quickly and should be replaced when they expire.