Jewelry Club

Rita Hunt  - Wednesdays 7:30-8AM - 1210 Learn to make beaded earrings, necklaces, and bracelets while having fun with friends. Jewelry  can make great gifts for  your friends and family, too! Plus, it is a great life long skill to learn to make some extra money or just as a hobby! 

Tri M

Alicia Rockenhauser - Once a month on Full Flex Wednesday 1-2PM - Choir Room Tri M, the music honor society, meets monthly before school and will have new members inducted each spring. See Ms. Rockenhauser for details. 

Taters Improv

Michael McKilen - Tuesdays 3-4PM - Auditorium We are BHS's funniest Improv Comedy Team! Inspired by Whose Line Is It Anyway? and Best in Show, we perform monthly shows to benefit student groups and charitable causes.

Jazz Band

Alicia Rockenhauser - Tuesdays 7:30-8:15AM, Sometimes FLEX Days - Band Room

National Art Honor Society

Sophia Tucker - Art Room

Members are inducted at the start of each school year.

Select Choir

Alicia Rockenhauser - Thursdays 7:30-9:15AM, Sometimes on FLEX Days - Choir Room