Prescribed Medication

All prescribed medication that must be taken during the school day or during school-sponsored activities, must be brought to the health office and administered under the supervision of the nurse (NH Ed. 311.02). Prescribed medications must be accompanied by a written doctor's order and written parental permission. Medications must be in their original labeled containers. Most pharmacists will provide a bottle for school and one for home if asked. Here is a copy of the Medication Permission Form.

***Students with severe, potentially life-threatening allergies are permitted to carry their emergency medications such as inhalers and Epi-Pens (NH Ed. 200:42-47). Written authorization from both the parent and physician must be provided ANNUALLY to the school nurse for approval.  Please ask your student's health care provider for an Emergency Action Plan for their related health condition (asthma, life-threatening allergies, seizure disorder, diabetes, etc.), see above. 

It is NOT recommended that students take narcotic pain medication during the school day. If a student is experiencing severe pain that requires a narcotic, it is best to stay home.